Car Iceland in rental


Car Iceland in rental is essential for most people because they come to Iceland with airplanes. The international airport in Keflavik is about 40 minutes drive from Reykjavik city so to get to the capital you could rent a car ( car Iceland in rental )or take the Flybus. It is very convenient to have your own car in Iceland you can make your own tours then your not dependent on any schedules. We have several Iceland car rentals both in Keflavik airport and in Reykjavik.

Here are the websites of few of the car Iceland in rental. Some of them might offer online package. They all have offices in both Reykjavik and in Keflavik airport.

Some people are looking for jeep tours. The best thing to do is to take a look at our site Iceland cruise, there you can read more about cruises.

Car Iceland in rental can vary so best thing is to check the website Hasso is known to be one of the cheapest.

Car Iceland in rental

As you can see some of car rental (car Iceland in rental )are international as well.

It is best to pre order a car ( car Iceland in rental )before you get here because it gets very busy in the summertime and it can get difficult to hire a car ( Car Iceland in rental ).

Driving in Iceland

Car Iceland in rentalMost mountain roads and roads in the interior of Iceland have a surface of loose gravel. The same applies to some sections of the national highway, which also has long stretches of asphalt. The surface on the gravel roads is often loose, especially along the sides of the roads, so one should drive carefully and slow down whenever approaching an oncoming car. The mountain roads are also often very narrow, and are not made for speeding. The same goes for many bridges, which are only wide enough for one car at a time. In addition to not having an asphalt surface, the mountain roads are often very winding. Journeys therefore often take longer than might be expected. For information on road conditions, Tel.: +354-1777, daily 8:00-16:00. The total length of the Ring Road around Iceland (national highway) is 1.339 km.The general speed limit is 50 km/h in urban areas, 80 km/h on gravel roads in rural areas, and 90 km/h on asphalt roads. There are many things to consider when driving in Iceland when you rent a car ( car Iceland in rental ).

Please note: Special warning signs indicate danger ahead, such as sharp bends, but there is generally not a separate sign to reduce speed. Please choose a safe speed according to conditions. Motorists are obliged by law to use headlights at all times day and night. In Iceland all driving off roads or marked tracks is prohibited by law. Passengers in the front and backseats of an automobile are required by law to use safety-belts. Icelandic law forbids any driving under the influence of alcohol. Filling stations:In the greater Reykjavík area most filling stations are open every day to 23:30. Opening hours around the country, where the pumps are privately operated, can vary from place to place. Many stations in the Reykjavík area and larger towns of Iceland have automats in operation after closing, which accept visa and euro credits cards as well as notes. Opening of mountain tracks:Most mountain roads are closed until the end of June, or even longer because of wet and muddy conditions which make them totally impassable. When these roads are opened for traffic many of them can only be negotiated by four-wheel-drive vehicles. For some mountain tracks it is strongly advised that two or more cars travel together. Also, before embarking on any journey into the interior collect as much information as possible regarding road conditions from a travel bureau, tourist information office or the Public Roads AdministrationTel.: +354-1777 · daily 8:00-16:00 Vegagerdin

Always take along a detailed map.

Average opening dates of some mountain tracks:

Name of the Road

Road number

Average opening dates



Jun. 12th

Fjallabaksleið nyrðri


Sigalda - Landmannalaugar

Jun. 12th

Landmannalaugar - Eldgjá

Jun. 23rd

Skaftártunga - Eldgjá

Jun. 4th

Fjallabaksleið syðri


Keldur - Hvanngil

Jun. 30th

Hvanngil - Skaftártunga

Jun. 30th




Jun. 15th



Jun. 24th



Gullfoss - Hveravellir

Jun. 11th

Hveravellir - Blönduvirkjun

Jun. 2nd



Hrauneyjar - Nýidalur

Jun. 27th

Nýidalur - Bárðardalur

Jun. 27th



Jul. 3rd



Jul. 6th



Askja - Herðubreiðarlindir

Jun. 19th

Askja – Dreki

Jun. 20th



Jun. 21st

Vesturdalur (hljóðaklettar)


Jun. 8th



Jun. 19th



Jun. 5th



Jun. 13th

Observe - all driving off roads or marked tracks is prohibited by law!

Maps:Ask for road maps and maps of Iceland at tourist information centers, bookstores or filling stations when you rent a car Iceland in rental. Have a safe journey (PDF-document)

Video-How to drive in Iceland:Traveling in Iceland can be one of the greatest experiences you can have. But this beautiful and rugged landscape also contains some difficulties and dangers for the driver, difficulties and dangers that you may not have come across in other countries.In this video from The Road Traffic Directorate you can see a few examples of what to bear in mind when driving in Iceland so as to avoid these hazards and have an accident-free holiday. How to drive in Iceland.mpg 28 mb 7:52 min
How to drive in 74 mb 7:52 min

Motor vehicle insurance:

A "Green Card" or other proof of third-party insurance is mandatory for motorists driving their own cars in Iceland, except from the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Channel Islands, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Isle of Man, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Norway, Portugal, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the Vatican. Drivers without a "Green Card" (or equivalent) must buy a separate third-party insurance policy on arrival.

Fuel tax:

Vehicles that run on fuel other than gasoline must pay a weight tax in accordance with special regulations specifying a certain amount for the start of each week while the vehicle is in Iceland. For further information view the Directorate of Customs web site.